January ‘24 Newsletters
My inbox these days is a bit tricky to manage. There's a lot of reading, flagging, snoozing, or simply straight archiving. I like to know what's going on, I'm insatiably curious, I hate being out of the loop but by the end of the week I have hundreds of emails I’ve “been meaning to read”.
My three must-read newsletters right now, that I never snooze or archive are: Thumbstop from Motion (Creative Analytics), Go-To-Millions by Ari Murray, and The Marketing Millennials.
Thumbstop from Motion acts like a masterclass and covers topics that are designed to help you optimize your marketing business. From 'thumbstopping' content to video marketing and timely media optimization / trends - I get my day to day ideas for quick campaign enhancements here.
Go-To-Millions is a bit cheekier, and feels longer term / strategically thought provoking. I come here for growth hacking, scaling strategies or advice on growing small businesses.
The Marketing Millennials offers fresh perspectives on industry trends and new approaches to marketing. Super wide range of topics from CX to branding to emerging technology.
Let's spread the wealth. What newsletters have captured your attention?
Subscribe to the newsletters here:
Go-To-Millions by Ari Murray
Thumbstop by Motion
The Marketing Millenials by Daniel Murray (+ podcast here)